Thursday, September 23, 2010

Scarecrows, Festivals, Ice skating and Jillian.

It has been a VERY busy September. I have lots to share. We started out the school year with a bang. Kids really seem to be adjusting well to their new friends and school.
Since the last post we have done the following..... Salmon Festival, Iceskating lessons and Scarecrow creating/stuffing for the school's Harvest Fest. OH- Lets not forget me taking on Jillian Michael's challenge.
So- sit back- get some popcorn and get ready..... here we go!

Let us start with a gorgeous vision of a margarita.... a FRESH lime juice margarita! There is a God! We found a place that makes FRESH squeezed margaritas..... oh thank heaven!!
 Next on the list- Scarecrows!! Our school has their annual Harvest Fest that is this weekend. It is a huge fundraiser for them. Not to mention a great time. We will work the pumpkin patch....The community really helps support this school. I was going to help make a scarecrow. It ended up me producing 5 scarecrows. It was fun.... a great family tradition to start! The kids had a blast and seemed sad when the stuffing was over. I will let you know how they do.... cross your fingers!
Sister Sings a lot.
Early Morning Mom

Mother Nature In Fall
Scare- E- Crow
Wenatchee Venom Player
Arena Football
 Iceskating...... Oh have times changed! Back when I was learning to skate they strapped skates on and pushed you out there. Now kids have to wear helmets and a lot of them wear elbow, knee gear! Oh- come on!! No one was concerned back in the day.... why now? Its like seatbelts. When your parents threw you in the car with 12 kids and no "toddler seats" etc. It was good fun!
Anyway- my pictures have not been so good. I must take the REAL camera and not just the Iphone. The kids are learning to skate and they L-O-V-E it. It is very funny to watch. Imagine- big bobble heads on entertainment folks! I am the only one laughing. Of course I am also the only one who tells my kids to get back out there and skate- lessons are not over! People look at me like I am cruel. NO! Just you are not allowed to quit because you are cold. Put your mittens back on, zip the jacket and keep going. I will post more about this later. They will continue this for the "fall sport". It wears them out.
They will also do cross country skiing..... get ready - this will be funny or torture for all of us!!

Salmon Festival- In Leavenworth they host a festival celebrating the salmon and the importance to the indians and the area. It is amazing! We were there 4 hours and didn't see it all. The kids did an "animal" parade to celebrate the salmon with story time. There were shows with Bald Eagles... gorgeous.
Kayaking lessons ( very funny to watch my mom), "snow shoeing" , archery, gun safety, indian tribes, customs and dance and much, much more! A great time.... oh did I mention it is FREE!!!!
BTW- Madelon got a bullseye in archery and bb guns..... that's my "Bonnie&Clyde".

 Total Fun for everyone... I can't wait to do this again next year! So well put together!
Last but not least... my update on my working out with Jillian..........
Well, it has been 3 weeks. I have missed 3 days out of those 3 weeks due to sick kids, me and of course a real bad day with my knees. As my kids say- "Why do you have crunchies in your knees?"
I have had a lot of injuries in the past. Bad knees, bad rotator cuff, nerve damage in arm from chemo, 5 csections. So, I have a lot of issues when it comes to work out! No rods in me (yet) but lots of aches, pains and scar tissue. Lots of starting over every time.....
So- I still go out there and do my thing. Kicking, screaming, grunting, cursing and at the end being glad I did it. I feel better everyday. OH- and I remeasured and weighed.
3 inches gone in the chest, waist and 2 in the hips. I have lost almost 12 pounds. UMMMM- close your mouth! Yes- I too am amazed. I have done everything in the world- and NEVER seen results like this.
So- I will let you know what happens on day 30. Oh - a couple of other things:
I do NOT have a six pack or even a flat stomach. My arms are still wiggly and so is my booty. I just got some of my "fuscle"  to change shape. FUSCLE is a combo of muscle and fat. When one cannot tell if it is all fat or is there a glimpse of muscle. It hurts when it is worked out.... and can even go into spasm.
Anyway- the point is- I will still be working on this new me. I like it- even if it hurts.
More later....

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Melanie 3in and 12 pds,NICEEEEE. Keep going. I love the scare crows! That margarita looks yummy, you will have to take me there when I come to visit, you know me "never turn down a great margarita".

    Love, Alisa
