Sunday, January 16, 2011

11 YEARS AGO....

 About 13 years ago I met a wonderful man that saved my life in MANY ways. He was my Doctor first and then became my husband. On Jan 15, 2011 we celebrate 11 years of marriage. It has been a fast rollercoaster ride. At times I thought it would fly off the track but never once did I want off!! It has been a great life.

We have done so many things. We have traveled extensively and gathered friends along the way. We have seen the birth of our 5 children and been amazed by every one of them. One priest has baptized every single one of our children. We have celebrated family and been grateful to those who live with us. We have become part of an Holy Order and now officially Sir and Lady Tucker (yes, we Thomas is a knight and I a Lady).  We have had parties for Halloween. Hosted dinner parties, social parties and Christmas and Thanksgiving parties. We have made friends so close to us that at times it aches to know we are not with them every day.We have traveled with friends to the beach, to Vegas, to Europe. We have friends clear across the big ocean. Never in my dreams did I think I would have such good friends in another country. We have moved and started a new life after so many years in Texas. We are now making new friends and are grateful for their kindness and friendship. We put God first in our family. We struggle daily to teach our children the right things and pray they will love Christ with all their hearts and respect and love their family. Over the years is has been so crazy I have wondered if I would remember it all. I think I have.... especially if I look back at pictures.

At times I have so many words to express my happiness and gratitude for my husband and family. I am most thankful to God!! Without his divine intervention my life would have been VERY different and very empty. For this I am forever grateful and will always praise him. As a wife, I have found my calling. I love taking care of Thomas and being his partner in life. He is my BFF and if there is one person in this world I want to spend time with-- it is him. I try hard to keep our marriage first then our children. I know, I know, how selfish of me. The truth, it might be- but it keeps us on track. Our children are VERY aware that we need "Mom/Dad time together". We tell them it makes us better parents.
As a Mother- I feel it is my calling but it is at times difficult. I love to hear them laugh, squeal and joke. There is a lot of laughter in our house. A lot of kisses, hugs and tickles. Sometimes, I wish it had gone by a little slower with me being a little wiser.... but I have learned from my mistakes. I love them with all my heart. I realize they are God's children and he is trusting them to us for now. Thank You, God for this opportunity to raise them up in your image. They are awesome kids! Even if they are strong willed and are taking me to an early grave.... I wouldn't change a thing!

The end of this babbling blog post is something like this......
I am one blessed woman. I am truly lucky and proud of my husband. I adore him. I adore and love my children. I love my life and wouldn't change the strife or crosses that come with it. I am thankful!
Reflection is one new hobby I have taken up over the past year. It is not over.... there is always tomorrow.
Much love and thanks to our friends and family who have stood by us, loved us and prayed for us.
You have made our 11 years together a wonderful trip!! :}
PS- I have so many pictures that I could not put them all on the blog. This is just a few over the years.
Jax holding baby Blaise

One of our Halloween parties... The Pope and Snow White

Rome- one of our FAVORITE places on earth.

Little Madelon Rose.... so beautiful!

Trip to Salzburg- The Sound of Music Atrium..
Jax threw a rock and almost busted out a window!

Fr. Bruce Bradley
baptizing baby Elizabeth

Baby Blaise
Little chunkymonkey!

Jax in Germany!
Making echoes in the churches!

Christmas time with good friends.

Trip to Germany
Pregnant with Elizabeth..
Our good friends from Germany
Love those Hempels
Elizabeth being like Mommy!
Waiting patiently for Henry.
Moving from Texas and heading to the NW
Baby Henry...
just wanna squeeze those cheeks!
Halloween in Wenatchee
Our friends the Jareckis
Thomas and Alisa on her visit to Wenatchee!
Great Friends, Great Fun!!
Mark and Brenda come for a Fall visit to the NW

Sir Thomas Tucker

Lady Melanie Tucker
Jinky meets baby Henry 2010
Baby Luke Whitaker
My precious God Son!
A very special moment...
Me and Memom shopping in Leavenworth
For being in TX all her life, she is doing well in
Us in the Poppy Fields in Italy
All the kids LOVE their Memom
Our new school
My College girlfriends celebrating Turkey Day
Me and Baba in Seattle
Some of the kids' BFFs...
We miss you friends.
First Communion for Jax
Me and my girl Nancy Guilloteau
Our good friends the Aziz Family