Friday, September 28, 2012

The Truth About Henry

Henry is our 5th child. He was born with big chubby cheeks and a calm soul. He is full of laughter, hugs and spirit. Henry is now close to 3 ( December 7) and things have changed drastically..... He is now sneaky, devious, and just plain naughty. The other day, he tested me to the limit. He snuck out of his bed, flooded the bathroom and then pee pee all over the kitchen floor.... then rubbed his body in it.
I wanted to laugh and cry!!

My father- who is so very talented with story writing.... wrote this great story of what REALLY happened!! It should give you a GREAT laugh! Peace and love my friends.

On one particular smokey afternoon in Wenatchee, Henry Tucker decided that the time had come to further the education of his Mom in the art of child raising. Waking from an obviously sound nap, young Henry scurried down stairs to try to help his always over-burdened Mom. Finding that she was nowhere to be seen, he undertook the mundane task to letting in the family dog, we will call  her Abby,  because it was obvious that she needed to be inside or risk death by smoke inhalation. Much to Henry’s surprise, Abby, over come by smoke,  proceeded directly to the kitchen where she made a big pee-pee puddle on the floor.

Deeply concerned, Henry recognized that a good deed had gone terribly wrong. Suddenly, a wave of anxiety passed over him. What if Mom didn’t recognize that this was all Abby’s doing? Mom would blame him, and realize her child raising skills had deteriorated and all her teaching and training had been in vain. Henry couldn’t bear to have his Mom in such a state, so he quickly set upon a plan. I will leave a note so she will know what really happened here and her self-esteem will be saved.

Henry looked around. No pen, no paper, not even a color. In his desperation, Henry would take it upon his self to sacrifice for the family. I will write a message in the pee-pee and Mom’s delicate mental balance will be saved. Disgusting as it was, Henry proceeded to leave his message. There was an unexpected downside to his good deed however, this stuff smelled. Henry realized that he would have to bath to remove the odor from his hands and other parts of his body that had the tiniest drops slashed on him in his exuberance to help his Mom.

Henry proceed upstairs, to his great-grandmothers bathroom. Yes, this would be the perfect spot, won’t tie up the main bathroom…always have to think of others you know. Henry carefully undressed, and proceeded to turn on the water…and then it happened…earthquake!!! Water splashed to and fro all over the bathroom…water pressure exploded sending even more water into the bathroom. Henry fought furiously, finally getting the water under control as the water pressure and earthquake subsided. Henry took a long look around. Sure there was a small amount of excess water around, but he had saved the house from sure disaster. Mom would certainly understand after all he had saved her mental health and probably the homestead.

Wait…I think I hear her coming now! Boy, is she ever going to be mad at that dog…

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Summer of 2012

It has been a very long time since I have blogged. It is hard for me to get to it and to put down the seems someone is always "needing" me.

So- with this said I am going to do a quick run down of our summer with some pictures to share!

School ended June 15th. On the 17th we had a family friend come and visit for 10 days. Fr. Bruce Bradley is a good friend of Thomas's from back in his college days. Fr. Bruce has baptized all of children. He is a good man and always comes with solid "good sense" advice. For me, he came at a perfect time. Last year was difficult on many levels that challenged my faith, my trust and my path on what to do next in my life. Let's just say, he helped me snap out of it!

After Fr. Bruce left, came Orcas Island and our annual whale watching trip. We have started this vacation as a way to see the whales, celebrate Madelon Rose's birthday and start off summer. It was our first trip to Orcas. It is beautiful. Definitely a great place for kids. The kids had a great time. We rented a house. Yes, we are too big of a group for hotels at this point. It does make life easier. More space and always a great place to crash when needing down time.

Next, was a visit from Aunt Barbara and Uncle Boyce. Thomas's sister and bro in law came in for a quick visit. They had been up in Alaska and came back to Seattle and decided to extend their trip for 5 days to come see us. It was great fun. Not to mention, the kids love to see any family who wants to "play".

Next on the list was one of my besties.... Amy Ware Lepien. We had a total blast hanging out and going to Lake Chelan. I took her to Stehekin and we rented a condo in Chelan for a couple of nights. It was a gift her husband gave her for Mother's Day. He gave ME the gift. You know, you only have a couple of people in your life who "get" you.... she knows the good, the bad and the UGLY! Miss my friend....

It was Papa and Grammy time for 2 weeks. Yes- a great time for me and even more fun for the kids. I miss my parents SOOOOOOO much! This time we stayed local and went sight seeing around this area. Third trip to Stehekin and the water falls were over flowing. A beautiful trip. There are so many folks I know that live in this valley and have NEVER gone up the river to Stehekin. Come on folks, go explore the beauty around us.....

During the fun times, we also had a very sad time. My cousin, Bill Crabtree, passed suddenly. He is married to one of the strongest women I know, Linda. There is no true explanation of what really happened except he got sick and never got better. He leaves behind so many who loved him and so many lives he touched with his kindness and help. We love you Bill.

We rounded up summer with a surprise visit from "BABA"! Our nanny ( family) of 9 years came to visit the kids. It was soooooo fun. Man- I miss her so much and so do the kids. Not because she was our nanny ( I will always miss that part) but because she was our friend, family and constant figure in our everyday lives. She will be graduating from nursing school this next Spring. We wish her the best and send her our love.

The week before school started Thomas and I got away for a trip to Oregon. Long car ride but a great place to "relax". I spent the day in the SPA while my husband was in meetings. Looking forward to going back....NEXT summer. Finally, a visit from one of Thomas's patients, Jefre Outlaw, came through Wenatchee during his US adventure tour he is taking. One fascinating guy!! A true pleasure to meet and a great way to end the summer!!

Well, I think that is it. It is all I can remember. I know our sitter, Kate, was glad to go back to school!! She worked very hard and I am sure the bank of Tucker helped with some tuition costs for the !! We miss her too!!

I will try better this year to blog. I have this fancy camera that I am learning how to edit photos. I hope I can teach this old brain something new.
Till then- have a good Fall.... pray for some rain ( no lightning) in the PNW and remember... put God first and the rest will fall into place.