Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Testing- Testing-- Welcome to the First Post!

Ok folks... This is it! I have entered the year 2010. I am not a twitter geek, a facebook fan, nor a skyper..... not yet!
Lord, I just am lucky to check my email and do online banking.
I am a mom of 5-- YES F-I-V-E -- lovely but slightly crazy children. I am going to try my hardest to blog one time a week. WE have alot going on here!! 5 kids, a dad, a mom, a grandma and a great grandma.... and we are MOVING across the country to Washington state in 27 days! GULP!!

I am sure I will seem to remind you of Dr. Zhivago..... going from the present to the past back to the present. I think at times I have things to say- or maybe its just to document my life. I can't remember what I did yesterday- because my lovely children have my brain cells- so I think it is time for me to write it down while I remember it!!

Ok sports fans... this was day one. Those who know me should be proud!
Now, if I could ever get my creative, OCD, graphic artist, super blogger friend to tell me how the hell to make it look good...... then I will REALLY be rockin' and rollin' !

Stay tuned and be amazed.........


  1. Ok, super proud of you!


    Your creative, OCD, graphic artist, super blogger friend :-)

  2. We are all so proud of you and will miss you so much, that I feel sick to my stomach just thinking about it. Please stay in touch with us. I want to see how much those beautiful are children are growing. I think you will need to learn to skype too! So I can hear everyones voices.Great job on the beginning of your blog.
    Much love, Alisa

  3. WOW, I amaze myself.... technology... go figure!?!?!
