Saturday, July 3, 2010

Stehekin, WA

The last weekend in June we went to Stehekin, WA.  To us common folks, it sounds like "Stuh-he-kin".
It is the upper part of Chelan. This was our FIRST vacation as a family sans Baba! My mother and husband "planned" this trip. I knew we were going on a boat, staying in a cabin and going hiking.
At 9pm the night before- I was informed what to bring. Ummmm- huh????
Listen folks- I have packing and traveling down to a science. BABA and I have had this down for years!! It is like a fine art.... not to be messed with!
Ok- so I start packing, shoving, etc into bags. Stress can't describe my pain I was feeling!!!!
The next morning- we were off-- and I was telling myself--- "these kids will be great. They are great travelers and this is a short trip"! FOUR hours up the river later we arrived to Stehekin.....

On our way up we saw gorgeous waterfalls and crystal clear water. The ferry ride was awesome. Can't even describe the views or the gorgeous weather we encountered. Simply breathe taking!!

Check out this CRYSTAL CLEAR water folks.... amazing! You could see fish swimming! The boat would stop and drop people who are adventurous. These folks would either go on a 22 mile or 7 mile hike and camp in REAL tents. Even have to "dig" their own potty! :{ As you can guess- the Tucker's are NO where near that lovely type of adventure. UMMM- we are use to camping at the Ritz Carlton.... not in a tent! Can you picture it---??? Later, later, later.... we will learn how later!
After some good lunch we headed off to our cabin.

We got there and this was my view from our front porch and door.
this place offers scenery, hiking and opportunity to become one with nature.

So- I brought the jogging stroller but not the hiking backpack. So I took Ebeth and Henry on a bike ride while the others headed off with Dad.The kids even got to go white water rafting.
Morning hikes for us were a 2 mile walk to the most amazing pastry company. There are only 140-160 people who live on this island. The school is ONE room-- kinder- 8th grade. They produce a paper with what the kids are doing, learning, reading and writing. I must say it is VERY impressive. Most of the pictures were from the walk back after the GIANT cinnamon roll highs!! My boys are growing too fast!

 Yes, even I risked my life and climbed down a cliff to get this shot..... no, this is not a beached whale.... My mom and Ebeth even posed for some pictures. Of course- Ebeth had her OWN thoughts of how it should go down. If you take your eyes off her for a SECOND- boom-- she is GONE! On a rock in the water. Little stinker! Pray for us.... she is K-I-L-L-I-N-G me!

At the end of this- we learned alot about our family. Our expectations were way too high for our children. Our children are children who are STILL becoming familiar and comfortable with nature. We know NOTHING about camping, hiking, wolfbears or cougars. This process is hard at times but rewarding at times. I am sure Thomas is glad to go back to work-- but we already miss him.
My grandmother went too. It was hard for her to "go" with us... but she loved the nature and the scenery!! I even captured this sweet picutre of mother and daughter... (chichi and Memom)



  1. Beautiful pictures Melanie, some look like postcards. You were an adventurous bunch to do this trip with 5 children and extended family! Miss all of you!

  2. Wow, it sounds divine! It definitely sounds like my kind of place, though I doubt I will ever make it there. Thanks for sharing it with us.

    And the paternal one didn't even sprain an ankle! Prost!

  3. Beautiful!!! Sounds like something Robert and I would love to do. Camping can be fun, with all the right equipment. Really is brave of ya'll to take all 5 kids, thats a lot of people to keep up with in the wilderness. Be safe!!! I'm so proud of all of you.
