Thursday, March 1, 2012

There are many things I love about my Wenatchee community. I especially love our sweet school.
There was a young man who recently was burned over 50% of his body. As you can only imagine the pain and medical bills he will incur. Our 4th grade teacher knows this boy from the 4-H clubs. So- she brought a challenge to our kids. Make a CHANGE with a penny drive. In 5 days our sweet school brought in $925!!! Kids helping our community. Big Heart and Giving Spirit!
Please pray for our school-- it is amazing and we need this SPIRIT to grow and flourish. To help honor God and to show love for all people in the community!

 This little "valentine" was given to me by Madelon Rose. I had to share this because it is her humor and sense of "beauty" that keeps me in stitches. She told me it was pretty... colors. I think it was a hint that she wants me to get new bras and to get out my jog bra. ( TMI). She gave one to her Daddy with hearts that was all ruby and diamond jewelry pieces from magazines. Sparkles with a lot of love!

Teacher for the day. Our auction offers families the chance to let their kid win teacher of the day. I was over bid for 2nd grade but Jax was 4th grade and Madelon Rose was Music. They had so much fun and took things very seriously. Even our student ( Chloe ) took the job of Principal seriously by dressing as a Sister!! Look at the picture-- funny stuff. Our sweet Sr. Olga is a good sport! One of my other friend's daughters was 3rd grade. It is funny how they all wanted to hold a "coffee cup" like their teachers do every morning. Don't think for a second your kid doesn't mimic you behind your back... here is the proof.

FREE STYLE SKI TEAM- Ok, Jax has been skiing for a total of 8 months and this season he has been on the freestyle ski team. YES- this is where they do bumps and jumps. Yes, I do not want my kid playing football but I will let him jump, spin and speed down a ski mountain. I know, doesn't seem logical. It is good fun and they teach safety first. He had his first competition the first part of February. He was suppose to go to another competition at the end of the month but due to crazy weather at the last minute I decided NOT to go. Good thing-- there was a blizzard and it was shut down. This true blooded Texan still hesitates about driving in certain weather. I do not want to be stuck in a snow bank- wondering if they will find me and my son. Not to mention- where do you pee in that kind of situation?

It has been a crazy busy 2 months. We are now into March... WOW! All the kids skied this season and are moving up the ranks in their ski class for next year. Even Elizabeth is on the mountain. Next year will be Henry's turn.... maybe. We will soon be celebrating Blaise's FIRST COMMUNION in April. Our dear friends, David and Alisa, will be coming to spend 10 days with us. I am sooooo excited!!

This Lent I decided I would go to Adoration daily. For a simple explanation, I get to go visit Jesus and pray in front of him. I actually take the Lenten Black Book that is provided from our church and read, reflect and write. It will be interesting to see if I see a pattern. This is HUGE for me. Originally, I was going to stay one FULL hour. This, is just not so easy. So instead of total failure- I compromised and allowed it to be "daily". Not putting a stress on time but effort.
When is the last time you sat and read the word, reflected and wrote it in a journal?
I decided I would explain the adoration part a little more so see below! Will get more pictures up soon- Momma just got a NEW, fancy camera!!!

Jesus waits for us in this Sacrament of Love
“In the sacred Host, He is present, the true treasure, always waiting for us.
Only by adoring this Presence do we learn how to receive Him properly.”

The ( reserved ) Blessed Sacrament serves as a focal point of devotion.
Because, as Catholics, we believe that Christ is truly and substantially present in the Eucharist, the Blessed Sacrament is given the same adoration and devotion that is accorded to Christ.
At the beginning of the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, a priest or deacon removes the sacred host from the tabernacle and places it in the Monstrance on the Altar for adoration by the faithful. "Monstrance" is the vessel used in the Church to display the consecrated Eucharistic Host, during Eucharistic adoration or benediction. The word monstrance comes from the Latin word monstrare, meaning "to expose". It is known in Latin as an Ostensorium. When a consecrated host is placed in the monstrance, It is said to be a solemn exposition.
When the Monstrance contains the Sacred Host, the priest does not touch it with his bare hands, but instead, holds it with a humeral veil, a wide band of cloth that covers his shoulders (humera) and has pleats on the inside in which he places his hands.
At all other times, the reserved Sacrament is kept locked in the Tabernacle, so that the faithful may pray in the presence of the Sacrament.