Our trip to Texas started with our pilgrimage to Matt's El Rancho. Fr. Bud, Baba, David and Alisa all joined us. I hadn't had queso in over a year. So, that was my meal... queso and margaritas. Tasted sooo good...but when you haven't eaten that stuff in a long time, it will haunt you later in the night! It was worth every bite... the plane ride was terrible. Henry was just awful. YES, were were "those" parents with the crying baby. I was so exhausted from fighting him the whole trip. Thomas was a big help but honestly, I think he was over stimulated and just couldn't relax. Our plane trip started at 6am PST and we got in 8:30 CST. Long day! Thank goodness for TexMex!
The gang- Alisa, Fr Bud and David.... Baba had to go home to study how to be a nurse |
It was go, go go from the minute we got off the plane. From dinners with the Slevins and Guilloteaus to time with Grammy and PawPaw. My dad even picked up my grandmother Adcock from Houston to see the kids. It was great. My Nanny really enjoyed my kids. Watching Elizabeth play with her, whisper in her ear and playing "tickle" took me way back to my childhood. My favorite thing in the world was to sit in my Nanny's lap.... I don't fit so good anymore but it was worth a try!
The kids go to spend time with Papa and Grammy. I even got to see my "Nanny". It was awesome to see all my family. |
Dad, Nanny and Me |
Sweet hugs and kisses from Elizabeth to Nanny |
I still fit in my Nanny's lap..... well, sorta! |
Wow, Wow, Wow.... we are so blessed to have such nice friends. Our friends from St. Theresa's gave us a nice "Welcome Back" party. They really went all out with great food and great margaritas. I couldn't believe the HEAT! The weather man was REALLY wrong.... it was suppose to be high of 80. It was over 90 and this Pacific Northwest Princess has become VERY sensitive to the heat. I was sweating in places that should be illegal!! The great thing was, the kids got to swim in the lake, jump off the boat, go "fishing" and jet ski. WOW- so much fun. My 2 highschool BFF's ( Natalie and Amy) came all the way from Houston to see us. It was great to see them, hug them and laugh with them. They fit right in and the whole day was so VERY special. Our friend Denise organized the entire day. She will never know how thankful we are to her for that day and for her friendship.... Thank you isn't enough!!
2 peas in a pod- Franck and Thomas |
"Nurse" Baba and Jeff |
Cate D, Denise and Me at the Hausmann's home |
Jeff ( Mr. Baba), Baba, My Sister Kelly and Patrick |
Terri, Franck and Nancy |
3 Queens.... |
BFF Natalie Parker.... all the way from Houston |
Friends Forever! |
Yes, Henry was naked... |
Streaker!!!!!! |
My friend Sarah, who "swam" with Henry alllll day long! Thank You! |
BFFs for over 20 years!!! |
Me and Baba-- I miss her so much. |
God Mother ( Barb Jaloway) with Elizabeth |
Fishing with BFF Liam!! So cool to watch them reconnect! |
One of the best parts, I got to see my God son, Luke Whitaker. He is so stinkin' cute! Even if it was a quick visit, I so appreciate them showing up with all the "cooties" that could have been flying around. I literally cried, when I saw him. Of course, he looked at me like I was a creature from out of space but to squeeze him was such a joy!!
Henry and Luke are only a couple of months apart. Luke was born a little "small" and Henry a little "thick". So, the running joke is Luke is Spidey and Henry is the Hulk. You can tell in the pictures they weren't sure of each other. They are both use to BIG kids... to have someone their size is a special treat. Can't wait till the next visit!!
The day ended with a lovely ride on the houseboat. The kids and adults got to chat it up and then the boat was stopped so the kids could fling themselves off the side. Total fun!! A great way to end a HOT day! It was one of the BEST parties I have ever been to! I will treasure it....
Ken Hausmann and little Mia |
Thank you Hausmann and Aziz family for a super terrific day!!!
On our last day in Austin, I got to squeeze my good friend Taylor, her hubby David and baby Zane. If you remember from my other post, her dad passed earlier this year. He was a dear friend of mine. It was good to see them yet sad. It had only been 2 weeks since Tony's death. It was hard. I am so appreciative to just have that 10 minutes with her. Love you Taylor!

Bill Bastas..... Bill Bastas has been my photographer for 12 years. He started with our "engagement" photos, wedding, captured our first baby bump and the rest of the clan. He has been with us for many years and over that time has become a good friend. We have experienced joy and sadness. Great memories. It was especially important that we saw him on our visit. We literally rolled into town when I got a message....."Here we go again". See, his wife had breast cancer and was Thomas's patient. Unfortunately she lost her battle 5 years ago. His message went on to say.... I was just diagnosed with colon cancer. I immediately called him and we set up lunch date. I think it was good for all of us... to converse and confirm what would happen. Thanks be to God-- he had surgery and they removed it all. No chemo, no radiation. He realizes in 15 years it could come back. He accepts that and says- I will be close to 80... I will deal with that at that time. Agree! We love you Bill!

The last supper was with 2 of our good doctor friends. Shannon Cox ( in blue) and Dick Helmer. Dick was one of Thomas's partners in Austin. He and his wife, Angela, have been nothing but kind and supportive over the years. They are real gems. They even came for a visit to the great NW. We adore them.... Shannon Cox was my Radiation Oncologist when I was in treatment. He and Thomas have been friends for years. We have built a great friendship over the years.... now, we just got to get them to come for a visit!! He and his wife, Gay, are a total blast. We sit around and laugh the whole time....
Thanks for coming to dinner and hanging with the gang.... come see us!!!
Over all the trip was a little too fast! Total blast-- but fast and furious. It was great to see all our friends and family. I don't miss the heat... but I do miss some of the amenities you can get in a big city. Now, it is time for our friends to come for a visit. To sit in the grass with no chiggers, to go on hikes without passing out from the heat and to soak up some beautiful scenery!
We love you all-- come see us soon~