Jinky came for a visit and brought Barbara with her. This is Thomas's Mom and Sister. We had a lovely visit. It was perfect timing-- Thomas's bday! I am pretty sure they enjoyed the visit. Nice, cool and beautiful scenery.....
Went to Silver Falls and I thought my Sis-in-law was to run the entire way up the falls. She was so excited. She just couldn't believe the beauty. The nice thing was- she even got to see SNOW in May!! The very last part of it was melting in the park. The parks were not completely open but it was fun to stroll around where you could. The rest of the time was "visiting" and playing with the kids. I think overall it was one of the BEST visits we ever had!!! We have been missing them ever since. Pretty sure my SIL is going to move here one day!!! :-}
If you wonder who Madelon looks like- here it is.... "Mini Me"- Jinky Jr. WOW- I mean CARBON COPY!! Look at their faces- even the smile is the same!!
Teams of 5 get together for the best kids race in the NW! It was a LOT of fun to watch the kids dribble, run, bike and jump their way through the race. The best part- the little girls won their heat!!
Basketball dribble, Running, biking and obstacle course of jumpy things. Some how my friend Marti and I ended up gathering the team together. She designed the shirts and I made sure all the kids got there for the practice. Mass chaos does NOT even explain it! Organizing 15 kids and their parents is tough. I had never done this before and they were asking ME what to do???? UMMMM- out of towner, folks!?!?! It all worked out and in the end- worth every second. I will not organize all the teams next year- but look forward to the fun of taking the "action" pictures. Oh- and no one broke a sweat... it was nice and cool. There is something exciting to see your kids racing! You can see from the faces- serious to laughing! I admit- I cried..... I know- I am a sap but I cried. I love these guys (all 5 of them)!!!
RACE INVADERS- Jax, Peter, Leo, Nevada, Wyatt and honorary member Sam
WILD THINGS- Blaise, Hunter, Tyler S, Tyler H and Preston
PIXIE CHICKS- Madelon, Kendall, Kat, Sophie and Lyndsey